Safe Haven Of Person County
Roxboro, north carolina
What We Offer
What we offer
Serving victims/survivors & families of domestic & sexual violence with emergency shelter, advocacy, legal referrals and crisis intervention.
These pages provide an overview of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, teen violence as well as more detailed information about specific forms of abuse.
Some of the Services that we offer
Safe Shelter
Legal Information - Court Advocacy
Helping in filling out protective order paperwork
Books & videos on Domestic violence, Sexual Assault and child abuse
Crisis Line
Transportation to Shelter
Access/Referrals to other services such as: Housing, Social Services, Education, Counseling, Alcohol & Drug Treatment, Child Care, Employment, Medical Treatment
Someone to go with you to court or the hospital (accompaniment)
Assistance filing for Violent Crimes Compensation
We work with other agencies within our community, we may be able to assist you with other services and or help you may need - ask you advocate.